Jerry Savelle

When you give this month Ive asked my team to send my recent inspiring and detailed teaching, Living Your Dream, as this months special teaching resource. God doesn’t want you to just sit in one place and become satisfied. He wants you to grow, to expand, to flourish, and to increase in every area of your life. Click here now ⟩

Have you heard of the double-dog dare? 

Growing up, my friends and I used to double-dog dare each other to do certain things. If you ever turned down a double-dog dare, then you werent worth your salt. You just didnt turn down a double-dog dare!

Well, God is double-dog daring you to dream big and to refuse to give up until your dream becomes a reality!

I like the way the Amplified Bible brings out the depth of Ephesians 3:20 saying, Now to Him who…is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, thoughts, hopes, and dreams.”

Did you catch the phrase that we dare ask?” God is actually challenging you to think, hope, and dream big!

Let me ask you a question, How big are you dreaming today?

It takes real courage to dream big dreams, and even greater courage to not give up on them. This truth is seen over and over in the Bible, particularly in the life of Joseph. After he dreamed a big dream, he faced rejection from his brothers, was sold into slavery and then later thrown into prison, but never gave up on his dream.

Dreaming big dreams obviously comes with a price to pay, and most people simply arent willing to pay it!

How many people are willing to go through hardships and trials in order to see their dream become a reality? Not many!

I call the ones who are, the rare breed.” 

One of my favorite Faith Heroes” is the Apostle Paul. He is a member of The Rare Breed Club.” His attitude while facing adversity was always the same, None of these things move me…” (Acts 20:24).  

The Message paraphrase says, But that matters little. What matters most to me is to finish what God started (in me).”

What matters most to you?

How big are you dreaming today? Have the challenges and obstacles youre facing caused you to place your dreams on hold? Have you minimized your dreams to fit your current resources? 

For 52 years now, I have dreamed big dreams, and most of the time, they looked as though they would never come to pass. But Im not a quitter!

In the early days of my walk with God I found where Paul said, Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not (2 Corinthians 4:1). This was about the time I began to describe my life as Adventures in Faith.” Ive endeavored to pattern my life after this verse ever since!

When God gives you a big dream, He also gives you the grace and mercy needed to accomplish it. Why would you ever faint when God has given you the mercy to reach it? Thats the attitude it takes to see big dreams come to pass!

I remember looking up the definition for the word adventure and it said, an undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature. Boy, did the Dictionary ever get that one right!

More recently, Ive enjoyed the way the Message paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 4:1 declares Were not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into occasional hard times.”

When times get hard, here are six reasons to continue dreaming big dreams:

1) Everything worthwhile begins with a dream
2) A dream from God will take you where youve never been before
3) A dream from God will give purpose to your life
4) A dream from God will unlock your potential
5) A fulfilled dream makes you an example to others 
6) Fulfilled dreams bring glory and honor to your God

God did not place you here on earth to just waste away, going year after year feeling that your life has no purpose.

He placed you here for His glory. He placed you here to reveal His goodness in and through you to cause others to want to know your God because of it. One of the ways He accomplishes this is by giving you big dreams and by equipping you with what it takes to see them fulfilled.

Your big dreams becoming realities not only blesses your life, but also inspires others to begin to think, If God can do it for them, then He can do it for me too.”

So keep on dreaming, because the best days of your life are not behind you, but just ahead!

And remember, if you refuse to give up, one day youll be able to declare boldly, Im Living My Dream!”

Did you know that you are part of my dream? Its my dream to encourage, inspire, and build your faith. Its my dream to teach you how to be the winner that God has called you to be. 

Im so thankful that I never gave up on my dream! Im so thankful that God has put us together to fight for a God-honoring, Satan-defeating dream. You mean so much to me and this ministry! 

In fact, as you give this month, Ive asked my team to send you my message, Living Your Dream. I know this message will speak to your heart and spirit. Dont let hard times steal your dream! Let this message inspire you to boldly pursue your dreams as never before. 

To give online click the donate button below and youll receive an immediate link to download this months teaching resource on MP3, Living Your Dream. You can also give by calling 1-866-576-4872, or by texting GIVE” to 817-835-9625.

Jesus declares in John 10:10 that He came that you might have life more abundantly. That sounds like dreaming big dreams to me! Refuse to shrink back or step down. Be determined to walk in every blessing and favor that Jesus paid for you to experience! 

In Him,
Jerry Savelle
Jerry Savelle

P.S. You are told in Hebrews 6:12 to follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” As you continue to stay connected to this ministry, I pray that you experience the same grace, favor, and blessings that are on my life. Lets continue to dream big dreams together! 
