when you give this month, I’ll send you my new audio teaching message, 2020 – The Year for Supernatural Increase More than Ever. I want you to have this prophetic message, because I know that it will set the course for your faith heading into this new year.
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This year is coming to an end, but God is not done yet! I’m praying for marvels, wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of God’s goodness to overtake you. Not just in these last few weeks of 2019 but beyond into 2020.
As you gather this month to celebrate the birth of the Savior, I pray that the victory He secured through His death and resurrection is fully revealed in your life. My family and I wish you a very Merry Christmas!
While in many ways this is the happiest time of the year, many people are still believing for a miracle. Some need to see God do the impossible before the end of the month!
Have you ever had trouble understanding how God was going to bring victory and breakthrough in your life? No matter how much you tried to think of the solution, you just couldn’t see a way to overcome what you were facing.
That happens to all of us. But over the years I’ve learned to trust God and let Him do what He does best…exceedingly above all I could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)!
How big can you imagine? How big can you dream? Well, God is able to do even greater!
Don’t limit God through your small thinking or negative talking. If you focus on only what your ability can produce, you’ll probably lose heart and give up in despair.
Let me encourage you to stop trying to play God’s part. Stop trying to figure out the best way for Him to meet your needs and cause you to overcome. That’s not your job. Instead, learn to celebrate God’s ability and the fact that He wants to manifest His goodness in your life. Your job is to trust Him and stay faithful!
God has given me a prophetic word for the body of Christ for 2020 and today I get to share it with you. Recently, while traveling to Australia, I heard the Holy Spirit say:
“In 2020, I’ll open a new door and I’ll cause you to experience supernatural increase as never before.”
God wants to bless you above and beyond the normal course of things and He wants to do it in ways that you’ve never experienced before. I believe he is opening a new door that will bring supernatural increase into your life!
Did you know that you are on the mind of God? The Psalmist declared, “The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us… May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children” Psalm 115:12-14 (NKJV).
God has you on His mind! And notice what He is thinking: “How can I bless them and how can I bring increase into their lives?” You don’t have to convince God to bless you. He’s already thinking about it. In fact, you being blessed and prosperous is God’s idea, not yours!
That’s good news to me, particularly in the day and time in which we’re living. It’s important to remember that God promises to bless you, in spite of times of uncertainty, if you’ll just remain faithful to Him.
You live in the same economic conditions as everyone else, but you can experience different results. God doesn’t want you limited or experiencing lack, regardless of what’s happening around you. He’s not confined nor limited to what’s happening in the world.
Stories of God bringing increase to His people are mentioned frequently throughout the Bible . Yet, you might be thinking, “Well, it’s not happening to me.” God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still wants to do it for you today. It’s not over yet! Don’t be so quick to give up on God and on His Word.
Scripture encourages us saying, “Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly” Job 8:7 (NKJV). The Message translation puts it this way, “You’ll end up better than ever.”
You haven’t seen God do His best work yet. What He has planned for your future is greater than what you’ve experienced thus far. So, keep your eyes on God and stay in faith!
Jesus tells us that when we establish our lives on revelation knowledge, then the gates of hell will not prevail over us (Matthew 16:13-18). In other words, we will not and cannot be defeated. Satan will not be able to stop you from experiencing supernatural increase! Set your faith for it by boldly declaring, “2020 is my year for supernatural increase as never before!”
I want to help you keep your faith strong for this prophetic word to become a reality in your life. That’s why I hope you respond to this letter so that I can send you my powerful message, 2020 – The Year for Supernatural Increase More than Ever. In this audio teaching, I build a case through Scripture how God has brought increase before and desires to do it again for you today.
While there’s not enough time in this letter to share everything from this teaching, let me share with you a vital principle for experiencing this supernatural increase – Your Sowing Determines Your Harvest!
This principle is taught throughout Scripture and is clearly stated in Proverbs saying, “Generosity brings prosperity, but withholding from charity brings poverty. Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor” (Proverbs 11:24-25 The Passion Translation).
This reveals that supernatural increase is not possible without sowing consistently and continually. You and I have a part to play in determining whether or not we experience God’s increase. You could say, “God has placed the ball in our court.”
Galatians 3:7 in the Phillips Translation reads, “A man’s harvest in life depends entirely upon that which he sows.” In other words, it’s our choice as to what kind of world we will live in.
If you never experience supernatural increase, then it’s not God’s fault. He already has it on His mind for you, and He invites you to experience it through your giving.
Your sowing will determine your harvest of supernatural increase!
When you make giving a lifestyle, you open the door to a new level of blessing. When you have a generous heart, you don’t go to work to make a living, you go to work to make a giving. This is how you move past just the act of giving, and become a giver.
When you make this your lifestyle, then Scripture makes this promise, “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV).
Did you notice the word abound? What does it mean? It means, to possess in great quantity and to be copiously supplied! It also means in a lavish manner. That’s what I call SUPERNATURAL INCREASE!
Are you a consistent and generous sower? If so, you are a candidate for SUPERNATURAL INCREASE, more than you’ve ever experienced before!
As we come to the close of this year, let me invite you to give with a cheerful and joyful heart! Your sowing positions you for increase and it also enables this ministry to teach the uncompromised word of God. Because of you, people around the world are discovering God’s truth and being set free from the lies of Satan.
Also, when you give this month, I’ll send you my new audio teaching message, 2020 – The Year for Supernatural Increase More than Ever. I want you to have this prophetic message, because I know that it will set the course for your faith heading into this new year.
You can give easily and securely by clicking the "Donate" button below or by simply texting “GIVE” to 817-835-9625 and you will receive an immediate download link for this audio teaching on MP3. You can also give by calling toll-free 1-866-576-4872.
I am so grateful for you and the connection we have together. This month as you and your loved ones gather for the holidays, from my family and the entire JSMI staff, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We love and appreciate you!
We are praying for you and linking our faith with yours for supernatural increase in your life!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. As you give this month, I ask you to prayerfully consider sowing your best seed out of thanksgiving for all God has done in 2019 and will continue to do in 2020. Your generous giving enables us to do so much all over the world for the Kingdom of God. I’m full of faith, full of passion, and full of vision for 2020. God is moving BIG TIME! Thank you for being part of what God is doing through this ministry. I hope to hear from you soon!