Celebrating the Life of Jerry Savelle

Service will be held at Eagle Mountain International Church

  • Location is: 14355 Morris Dido Newark Rd, Newark, TX 76071
  • Date: Friday, April 26, 2024
  • Time: 1:30PM

Dear Friends,
Thank you for joining us to celebrate Brother Jerry's life and the impact he has made for the Kingdom of God. Your love, prayers and support have meant so much to our family as we've walked through this unexpected transition.

I want you to know that we are resolved to stand firm with "no quit" faith as we move forward in God's callings and this enduring heritage of faith. And you are a part of this heritage too. Each of us carries an impartation that will continue to make an eternal impact in this world.

Brother Jerry taught us well and gave us a great example to follow. We will honor his life and legacy as we go from faith to faith, and glory to glory.

With love and gratitude,
The Savelle Family