This month as you give, I want to send you this powerful teaching that I recently preached in Canada titled, The Spirit of Glory Resting Upon Your Life. It is sure to inspire you to expect the spirit of glory to work in your behalf! There is so much more revelation that I want to share with you so please request yours right away. Click here to give>
Arise and shine! As the world gets darker and darker, the Church (you and I) will get brighter and brighter because the glory of God will be SEEN on us (Isaiah 60)! We are living in such a perverted world and we are witnessing sin running rampant, but praise God partners, because in spite of all this, God’s glory is on us!
His glory will be seen through His manifested power, goodness and presence as we continue to get closer and closer to His appearing. How can someone actually see God’s goodness: through prosperity and favor, and blessings that are following you every day of your life! According to Haggai 2:9 the glory of the latter house is going to be greater than the former house which means His power, presence and goodness will be at a higher level and will be seen on us, the latter Church.
In verse 3 of Isaiah 60 it says that “… the nations shall come to your light…”! That brightness on us will be like a magnet drawing people to Jesus. In Proverbs 4:18 from the Message it says “…the longer they (the righteous) live the brighter they shine.” I love that; the longer I live the brighter I shine. Jeremiah 33:6-9 MSG says, “I’ll restore everything that was lost…” and they “…will be in awe…” of the blessings that He pours out on us. Psalm 21:2 MSG speaks of God piling blessings on us! Why? So people will see His goodness and we will be so blessed that we can become a clearing house for others dispensing good to others. Glory in the Bible is linked with God’s goodness and once again it shall be seen on us!
Jeremiah 31:14 says “…that my people will be satisfied with my goodness, saith the Lord.” And look at the Message, “…I’ll make sure that my people have more than enough.” People will see His glory through prosperity and goodness and they will actually say the Lord has been good to them (Psalm 26).
Will I still have attacks, Brother Jerry? If you live on this earth you will, but Satan will not be able to overcome God’s goodness and mercy that is surely following you every day of your life (Psalm 23). So let’s look at 1 Peter 4:12-14 to see God’s methods on how we overcome those trials and what He has given us to be able to have complete victory.
12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you…”
First, God tells us get the right mindset in a trial – don’t think it is strange that you have a trial. Why would He say that? This is part of life for the believer! Jesus said we will have trials and tribulation in the world, BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER for I have overcome the world for you. Don’t accept failure or defeat! Next He tells us:
13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye;
He tells us to REJOICE (or be of good cheer) when we suffer and BE HAPPY if we are reproached for the name of Christ! WHY would He tell us this? “…for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you…”
We are not rejoicing or happy because we have a trial. We rejoice because the spirit of glory and of God is resting on us! Most people focus on the trial. No, focus on what’s on the other side of the trial: His power, presence and goodness showing up. The Spirit of Glory is ready to back you.
The word rest means to abide and to remain upon and be supported by; no matter what we are going through we have the Spirit of God in us and the Spirit of glory abiding and remaining upon us. This sounds like a winning combination doesn’t it?
The word spirit represents a divine influence! This is an invisible power in operation that you can’t see, but like the wind you see the effects of it. Just like the devil has different spirits with different functions emanating from him like the spirit of jealousy, lying, fear, etc. which we know can influence a person’s life the Holy Spirit has divine influences emanating from Him, like the spirit of glory, favor, increase, etc. to assist Him. And one of the major functions of the spirit of glory is to position you to experience God’s presence, His power and His goodness.
There is something on us that is more powerful than anything that we will ever go through, and if we refuse to give up, then it will manifest in the form of God’s presence, God’s power and God’s goodness.
God wants this manifesting every day of your life. If we ever get to the place that we become fully aware that He’s there, then giving up will never be a consideration again. Your days of losing are over! You would become extremely confident that it’s just a matter of time that God’s presence, power and goodness would show up in your behalf and deliver you from every attack of the adversary.
No wonder Peter said “rejoice and be happy” when you come under attack facing tests and trials. Don’t focus on the trial but learn to focus on what the spirit of glory can do. We have something on us that distinguishes us from the rest of the world and that is THE SPIRIT OF GLORY!
God never intended for man to be lorded over nor did He ever intend for him to be under Satan’s control. Through Jesus’ redemptive work at Calvary, we now have access to God’s presence, power and goodness with NO limitations. When you begin to lean upon and EXPECT the spirit of glory to show up then you never think in terms of failure and defeat. This divine influence resting on your life is there to make a winner out of you.
God promises His goodness to His people as David said in 2 Samuel 7:28 “And now, O LORD God thou art that God and thy words be true and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant.” And we see God fulfill His promise in 1 Kings 8:66 that the people went into their tents joyfully and glad in their hearts for “…all the goodness that the LORD has done for David his servant and for Israel.” God is in the business of releasing His goodness on His people when they dare to trust Him and to stay in faith.
Here is a great prayer to pray from 2 Chronicles 6:41, “…arise O LORD God and let thy people (me) rejoice in thy goodness.”
Here’s a great declaration to make daily from Psalm 23:6 – “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Blessings pursue me and hunt me down.”
God has so much more goodness held in reserve (Psalm 31:19) that He wants to pour out upon us, but we must stay in faith. Thank God more and more for His goodness in your life and “…then shall God bless us” according to Psalm 67:5-6. Verse 5 says let the people praise Him THEN God blesses.
The spirit of glory is resting on you right now and its divine influence will cause you to experience God’s goodness like you’ve never experienced it before; so determine you will stay in faith, you will not give in or quit! God’s ready to release all the goodness that’s been reserved for His faithful ones!
Because of you, my faithful partner, I’m able to teach people truths like this and help people become the winners that God wants them to become.
This month as you give, I want to send you this powerful teaching that I recently preached in Canada titled, The Spirit of Glory Resting Upon Your Life. It is sure to inspire you to expect the spirit of glory to work in your behalf! There is so much more revelation that I want to share with you so please place your order right away.
Your faithful support of JSMI makes you a partaker of the same grace and anointing to flourish which is on my life.
I’m praying and declaring God’s blessing over your life!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. Expect the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God to back you in everything you do and through every test and trial! Keep your focus on Who is on the inside and Who is resting on you!