Jerry Savelle

When you give this month, as my thank you to you, I will send you my brand-new message concerning the prophetic word I received for 2019! Click here to give>

Happy New Year to you and your family!  I want to tell you right up front that my expectation is very high today to see God move in your life in new and surprising ways this year.  Let me ask you this, when was the last time that God surprised you with His goodness and favor? Has God moved in your life in such an inexplicable way that it could only be described as a miracle? I know He has in mine, and I hope you’ve seen that in your own life as well.

But, I’m writing to tell you… you haven’t seen anything yet! God is about to show up and show out in ways you haven’t even imagined.

God has given me a prophetic word for this year that will make your faith grow and stretch you to believe for even greater miracles than ever before.

The Lord recently spoke to me saying:

2019 will be a Year of Marvels, Wonders, and Extraordinary Manifestations of the Greatness of Your God!

Whatever you are believing God for, begin to expand your expectation. I guarantee you that God is thinking bigger than you’re asking! I believe God is about to do something in your life that is greater than you have ever imagined.

Look at what God spoke to His people before and allow it to direct your faith today. In Exodus 34:10, God shows up and says, “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.

That means God is promising to do something so great for you that it will cause you and others to marvel at His power and goodness! Other translations say that God is going to do miracles and wonders that have never been seen before.

Notice that God said this is a covenant to Him. A covenant is a solemn agreement. And God tells us His attitude regarding a covenant saying, “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips” (Psalms 89:34).

So, I ask you, “How reliable is a covenant which God makes?” Can you fully expect Him to back it? Of course you can!

After God made this covenant with Moses and the children of Israel, they saw marvels, wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of God’s greatness. They marveled as God led them through the wilderness, as He provided them food and water, and through the miracles that took place when they had been bitten by serpents.

They marveled at the dividing of the waters of Jordan, the walls coming down at Jericho, and the sun and the moon standing still for them until God had avenged them of their enemies.

They saw things they had never witnessed before and it was obvious that it was the Lord’s doing, and not man’s.

Hundreds of years later, the Prophet Joel declared, “Fear not O land, be glad and rejoice; for the Lord will do great things” and God says, “I will show wonders…” (Joel 2:21, 30).

One of the meanings of the term great things, is beyond the usual. Wonders here implies something unfamiliar or inexplicable, that which is unable to be explained other than it had to be something God did.

Has God done wonders in your life that made you marvel at His greatness?

Years ago, when I was just starting out in ministry, my family and I were driving out of state to a meeting where I was to preach. We were driving a beat up, worn out car that ran more on prayer than on gasoline! Not only that, but the two tires on the front were extremely bad and I didn’t have the money to replace them.  As we were going down the freeway, a Goodyear Tire delivery truck passed us. (Yes, my car was that slow!)

A moment after he passed, I said to Carolyn, “Look, what is that in the road?” There were two tires rolling side by side in front of us! As we got closer they rolled to the side of the road. I got out and put them in the trunk of my car. When we got to the next town, I called all three Goodyear shops there, and none of them were missing the tires. The last guy told me, “Well, they’re your tires now.”

I went back and looked at the tires, and guess what… they were the exact size I needed for my car!

That was unusual! That made me marvel at God’s greatness!

Do you remember the definition I gave you for “great things”? That which is beyond the usual. And the definition that I gave you for “wonders”? Something unfamiliar and that which is unexplainable except to say that it had to be something only God could do.

That’s what God wants to do for you in 2019!  Do you receive it?

Get rid of words like “that’s impossible” and “I’ve never heard of anything like that” and “no way, I can’t believe that.” Don’t limit God by your small thinking and negative words! God hasn’t quit the miracle business! He’s still the God of wonders.

Psalms 105:7-8 in the Message Translation reveals, “He’s God, our God, in charge of the whole earth and He remembers, remembers His covenant for a thousand generations. He’s been as good as His Word.”

Does this sound as though God has stopped doing marvels, wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of His greatness after Moses and the children of Israel died? No, it doesn’t! If He was the wonder-working God in Moses’ day, then He’s still the wonder-working God today!

Look again at what God declares in Exodus 34:10, “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.

Begin to boldly declare, “2019 will be my year for Marvels, Wonders, and Extraordinary Manifestations of the Greatness of my God!”

God has repeatedly done marvels and wonders throughout the Old and New Testament, and His plan is to keep right on doing them. If you’ll dare to mix your faith (Hebrews 4:2) with what He is saying in this prophetic message, then marvels, wonders and extraordinary manifestations of His greatness are headed your way!

Release your faith for this right now through sowing a financial seed. When you sow seed in response to this prophetic word, you are setting the stage for a harvest of marvels, wonders and extraordinary manifestations of God’s greatness.

One of the best ways to give is, right here online, at It’s secure and convenient. Also, when you give online, you’ll receive an option to immediately download an MP3 of my brand-new message concerning this prophetic word for 2019.

I’m believing for 2019 to be marked by the extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of God. The best is yet to come!

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

Jerry Savelle

P.S. I might add that another meaning of a wonder, is that which produces or creates a sense of surprise. I’ve said it many times – “I’m never surprised that God comes through for me, but I’m always surprised at HOW He does it!” God’s working right now on a better blessing than you could have ever imagined! I’ll be praying for you and I hope to hear from you soon.
