Jerry Savelle

As you give this month, Ive asked my team to send you my recent message, Abundant Overflow, as my thank you. Click here now ⟩

Happy New Year! As you enter into 2021, now is not a time to draw back, it's not a time to become lethargic. No, it's a time to draw closer to God! 

As you stand in faith trusting God this year, you'll have no need to be fearful or worry about what's happening in the news because it will not come near you! I declare over you, 2021 will be a time of excitement, a time of great hope, and a time of unparalleled blessings! 

It's a time to shine as His lights and to demonstrate to the world that there's no God like our God! If there was ever a time to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, it's right now.

Regardless of how unstable things are in the world, you can stand strong in faith. Hebrews 12:28-29 from the Message Translation says, Do you see what weve got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.”

God wants to revive you and bring a refreshing to you and your family. He wants to restore all that has been stolen and He wants to bring you into abundant overflow! 

Thats the prophetic message the Lord has given for you: 

The times we live in right now remind me of the Book of Joel. At that time, Gods people were facing lack, insufficiency, and hopelessness. In chapter one the prophet Joel speaks a warning saying, Listen closely everyone, whoever and wherever you are…Sober up…get in touch with reality…Round up everyone…get them into…serious prayer to God” (Joel 1:1-14 Message).

During times of great hardship, the prophetic word was a call to get serious with your relationship with God. The same is true now. God is moving and I plan to be right in the middle of it. We don't have time to play church anymore. God's ministers must heed the message of the book of Joel and sound the alarm. 

If you will respond to this prophetic message in faith and obedience, then God will show up and move in your life. When you draw closer to God, here are some of the things that God will do according to Joel chapter 2: 

1. He'll cause great peace to come to His people 
2. He'll keep his people safe from all harm 
3. He'll bring about an abundant overflow of blessings including material and financial prosperity and 
4. He'll cause an outpouring of His spirit to come like the land has never experienced before. 

There's never been a time when its more important for God's promises to be fulfilled in the lives of his people. You need the miraculous power of Gods abundant overflow! Having and experiencing abundant overflow means that youre flourishing in every area of your life. 

Get a revelation of this – when you're flourishing in every area of your life you’re doing so in your finances, in physical health, in your marriage, in your job, with your children… in everything!

Some Christians still doubt that God wants His people to live in abundant overflow. Others aren't sure that it's really for them. But the truth is, if God will do it for any member of His family then He'll do it for every member. You just need to trust him!

You also need to understand that abundant overflow literally means more than an adequate supply. This is what David was implying when he said “…my cup runneth over” in Psalm 23:5. The Message translation says, My cup brims with blessing.

Satan wants you to settle for just enough.” But the truth is, God never intended for you to just barely to get by. Why would the God of Abundance want His children to suffer want and lack? He doesnt, and to accept that is to forfeit His best for your life.

Settle this once and for all in your heart and refuse to believe anything else. Dont allow Satan or anyone else to steal this truth from you!

God is saying to you right now, 2021 is the year of abundant overflow! Now a lot of people have the mistaken idea that when I talk about prosperity that Im materialistic in my thinking. That's not what Im talking about. Although, God's not against you having good things and He's not against you being financially well off, but you must keep it all in the proper perspective. 

God is giving you abundant overflow not just so you can store it up, but so that you can use it to bless humanity and use it to finance the work of the Lord.

God wants you to be a vessel! He wants you so blessed that you have more than enough to take care of your family and plenty leftover to take care of other families. And His main reason for blessing you and causing you to have abundant overflow is so that you can be involved in the next great move of God. 

Get this deep down in your spirit and decree right now, God is making me a vessel and He'll use me as a distributor of finances in this next great move of God!”

Even though we are living in a time of unprecedented chaos that is intensifying every day, we are also living in a time of unprecedented favor and blessing! Im not going to miss this move of God and I hope you are right there with me. 

Its Abundant Overflow time!

The real key to all this is Proverbs 11:24-25 which says, Generosity brings prosperity, but withholding from charity brings poverty. Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor.”

That sounds like abundant overflow to me! 

Just the other day, someone asked me why do I think God has blessed me so much. I didnt hesitate for a moment and answered, Because Im a giver.” Carolyn and I like to give! I want you to experience this same blessed life. I want you to walk in the abundant overflow this year! 

To give online click the donate button below and youll receive an immediate link to download this months teaching resource on MP3, Abundant Overflow. You can also give by calling 1-866-576-4872, or by texting GIVE” to 817-835-9625.

Let me close this letter to you with this thought;abundant overflow is the will of God for all of His children.” However, the ones who actually enjoy it are those who are radical in their generosity toward God and toward others.

So, what are you waiting for? Dont you think its about time for you to tap into all that God has planned for you? Get serious about your relationship with God, move closer to Him, and be generous! If you do, abundant overflow is on the way! 

In Him,
Jerry Savelle
Jerry Savelle

P.S. Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly. Set your faith in agreement with that promise. Begin declaring each day that 2021 is your year for abundant overflow! Im standing with you and link my faith with yours. Thank you for believing in this ministry and I hope to hear from you soon. Again, Happy New Year! 
