I recently preached a message of how God does the impossible when you agree with His Word in faith. That’s why I’ve instructed my team to send this audio teaching, Take the Limits Off, as my thank you for your gift this month. Click here now ⟩
Are you familiar with the foundational principles of faith? Do you know the vital steps to activating your faith?
In my ministry, I encounter many people that are either new to the life of faith or have become complacent in activating their faith to receive the abundant life for which Jesus paid.
God told me that this year will be the year of the open hand of God and that those who are expecting it will receive unusual, extraordinary, supernatural provision if they will not be shaken by the chaos and disorder happening in the world today.
That only happens through exercising your faith! Every blessing we receive from God is through faith.
In 1969 I began to learn about the life of faith from ministers like Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, and T.L Osborn. At that time, I was living a defeated Christian life not experiencing God’s best. Romans 10:17 explains that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. As I studied scriptures about all the miracles, the provision, the blessings, and breakthroughs that God brought to His people, my faith continued to expand.
When I began to apply the Word of God, release my faith, and expect God’s promises for my life, God’s blessing and favor began to manifest like never before.
What changed? God didn’t change! I had to change. I was the one limiting God in my life.
I declare to you today: IT’S TIME TO TAKE THE LIMITS OFF.
Jesus said in Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” And Genesis 18:14 asks the question, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Obviously, the answer to that question is NO!
Then why do so many of His people limit Him?
Jesus often said, “According to your faith, be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29). In Mark 9:19, He refers to those around Him as a “faithless generation.” It was a lack of faith that prevented God from doing the miraculous.
Why do people doubt? In most cases today, it’s a result of what Hosea calls a “lack of knowledge” or “rejected knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
You could say they refuse to accept God’s Word as truth. Jesus said regarding God’s Word, “Thy Word is truth” (John 17:17).
More time in the Word will cause you to know the truth, and as I said earlier, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).
You can actually get to the place where “believing” what God says is as natural as breathing. Your attitude becomes, “If God said it, then that settles it!” God’s Word must become final authority in your life.
I love the account of Jesus healing the centurion’s servant found in Matthew 8:5-13. Believing that Jesus could heal his servant, the centurion declared, “…speak the Word only…”. He believed in the power and authority that Jesus had. He didn’t have to see it first, he believed that Jesus just speaking the Word would be enough to bring healing.
When Jesus heard this, He marveled and said, “I have not found so great faith no not in Israel…Go thy way, and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee”
I’ve got good news for you: Jesus is still in the healing business. Jesus is still in the deliverance business. Jesus is still bringing breakthroughs and miracles to those who believe.
His Word has the power to set you free, to change your situation, and to bring you victory where defeat looks inevitable.
Settle it in your heart, the Word is enough. If God inspired it to be written in the Scriptures, then you can believe that it will happen. Be it done unto you, according to your faith!
Take the limits off right now and dare to believe that God can, and that God will, open His hand to you and cause you to experience unusual, extraordinary, and supernatural provision.
I dare you to dream bigger, think bigger, and ask bigger. Take the limits off. Ephesians 3:20 reveals that God is, “…able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.”
Stay connected to God and stay connected to His Word. Dare to believe that He wants you to experience the best in every area of your life.
Psalm 37:5 instructs you to, “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”
When you align your heart with God and rest in His presence, the psalmist reveals, “[God], You took over and set everything right; when I needed you, you were there, taking charge” (Psalm 9:4 The Message).
I truly believe that God wants you to experience His open hand this year. So once again, TAKE THE LIMITS OFF!
Before ending this letter, I want you to know how grateful I am for you and I thank God for you. It’s such a privilege to speak into your life and share God’s Word with you. It’s a great joy to see you activate your faith and experience the same goodness and favor of God that I am experiencing.
Your trust and support is such an encouragement to all of us here at Jerry Savelle Ministries. It’s because of you and your faithfulness that this message of hope and faith is being shared around the world. It’s because of you that pastors are being trained, families encouraged, the lost reached, and those experiencing doubt having their faith strengthened.
As you give this month, I’ve asked my team to send you my new teaching, Take the Limits Off, as my thank you.
In this teaching I’m able to go into deeper revelation and examples of how God does the impossible when you agree with His Word in faith.
To give online click the donate button below and you’ll receive an immediate link to download this month’s teaching resource on MP3, Take the Limits Off. You can also give by calling 1-866-576-4872, or by texting “GIVE” to 817-835-9625.
I’m praying for you and hope to hear from you soon.
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. I dare you to take the limits off of God and believe that He can (and He will) open His hand to you this year – causing you to experience unusual, extraordinary, and supernatural provision. And I’ll be right here helping you stay connected to God and stay in faith.