Jerry Savelle

I recently preached a message of how God does the impossible when you agree with His Word in faith. That’s why I’ve instructed my team to send this teaching resource, as an MP3 instant download, to thank you for your gift this month. Click here now ⟩

How are you going to step into the next level God has for you? What’s going to take you from where you are, to the peak-performance that God desires for you?

You cannot step into the maximum and highest level attainable if you have “low-level thinking.”

I want to help you to expand your thinking and increase your faith for the maximum.

I’m writing to you today about how to become maximum results minded. To experience the best that God has for you requires you to develop a maximum result mindset. Don’t settle for just getting by. Refuse to grow complacent and miss out on God’s maximum results.

I want you to go after everything that God has planned for you while you’re here on earth. No barrier is too great, no situation is too dire.

Don't give up just because you may have never experienced the highest level. Don't give up just because you've never even thought about experiencing this level. Make up your mind that you're going for everything God says is yours. If God didn't want you to have it, then He wouldn't have put it in the Bible!

Have you ever been told that what you were attempting to do or what you're believing for is impossible? Did you just agree with them? Did you just give up and quit because they didn't think it was possible? That’s perishing due to no vision according to the book of Proverbs!

The vision that I want you to catch is for the maximum, the highest level attainable.

Another translation of Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no prophetic Oracle from God, the people cast off restraint.”

When you study the prophets in the Old Testament, when God used them as his mouthpiece to speak to the people, He spoke prophetically to them. It was God's way of creating a vision. A prophetic Oracle is designed to create vision.

When God talked about going to the Promised Land, He wanted them to see (vision) themselves reaching the Promised Land. He even told them what the Promised Land would be like. That's what a prophetic Oracle from God is about. Now, today we would call it a Rhema from God, a specific word from God designed to create vision on the inside of you.

Receiving and holding fast to the prophetic vision from God is how you develop a maximum results mindset.

The Apostle Paul instructs you to, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5).

Are you doing that? Are you letting the way Christ thinks be the way that you think? The NIV of this verse uses the word “mindset.” Let the same mindset Jesus had also be your mindset.

What is a mindset? It’s a habitual mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to certain situations. How do you respond to hardship? How do you respond to temporary setbacks? The Apostle Paul was facing persecution, beating, and arrest, yet his response was to say, “None of these things move me” (Acts 20:24).

Most of us have heard numerous sermons on the subject of the “heart” but not as many on the subject of the “mind” and the importance of thinking right thoughts.

The mind is an amazing thing. I don’t think that most Christians realize the importance of right thinking and right believing.

The wisdom recorded in Proverbs says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7). In other words, “what you think is what you will become.”

Or you could also say it like this, “What you think is what you will experience.”

Your destiny is connected to your thinking. It’s been said, “Your life tends to go in the direction of your most dominant thoughts.” If you’re not thinking thoughts in line with God’s Word, then you limit God and fail to experience the success that He wants you to enjoy.

Yes, your small thinking can actually limit God. Psalm 78:1-42 reveals, 19…They spake against God, they said, can God furnish a table in the wilderness? 22…They believed not…Trusted not…32Believed not his wonderous works…41They turned back…and limited the Holy One of Israel…

Their small, negative thinking limited God from doing what He wanted to do for them. And if you think small, the same thing will happen to you.

Experiencing God’s best requires you to elevate your thinking. What barrier is in front of you? What’s stopping you from going further and higher than ever before?

Let me encourage you today, barriers were made to be broken. Now is the time for God to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond what you ever asked or imagined (Ephesians 3:20).

The same God who parted the Red Sea is fighting for you. The same healing power of Jesus that caused the cripple to walk, the blind to see, and the dead to rise is still available for you today. The same favor of God that defeated ancient armies, produced bumper crops, and boat-sinking loads of fish is working on your behalf today.

There is no obstacle facing you that God can’t overcome. There’s no barrier in front of you that can stop God’s blessing and goodness from breaking through. 

Don’t limit God with small thinking. Become maximum results minded and begin to experience His best in every area of your life. 

Is your faith inspired? Are ready to go after everything God has planned for you?

Will you help me encourage someone else? When you give to this ministry, you help share the prophetic word with people around the world, helping to renew their minds and transform their lives.

As you give this month, my team will send you this month’s teaching audio resource, Becoming Maximum Results Minded.

To give online, simply click the donate button. Online giving is secure and convenient. It’s also the fastest way to get this month’s teaching resource as an MP3 instant download. You can also give by calling 1-866-576-4872, by texting “GIVE” to 817-835-9625

Your best days are ahead. I’m standing in faith with you for the maximum and hope to hear your testimony soon.

In Him,

Jerry Savelle
Jerry Savelle

P.S. The Holy Spirit said to me many years ago, “If you can’t conceive what God’s love has provided for you, then you can’t receive it.” I pray that this same maximum mindset that I have developed will be developed in you. We are here to help teach you God’s Word and help you experience all that God has for you. I’m glad He connected us together.
