Jerry Savelle

As you give this month, I’d love to send you Jerry’s powerful message, “Great & Unexpected Acts,” as my thank you to you. This message will inspire you to believe for the extraordinary as you partner with God in prayer. Click here now ⟩

Have you been listening to the news lately? Does the state of our nation and world have you on your knees?

With so much happening around us, it’s natural to feel the burden of these times. Last month, I shared with you just how powerful prayer is. This month, I want to continue to encourage you with this God-given strategy that has the power to change everything.

As a believer, you have been given direct access to God Himself. Think about that for a moment. The Creator of the universe invites you to come boldly before His throne of grace to receive help in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

This isn’t just a nice thought; it’s a profound truth that can transform how you approach prayer. God’s throne is established on righteousness and justice (Psalm 89:14), and right now, our world desperately needs His justice. But the good news is, you have a part to play in bringing His will to pass through prayer.

Prayer isn’t just a ritual or an obligation, nor is it about begging God to do what you want. True prayer is communion with God—an intimate conversation that touches His heart.

When you grasp the biblical principles of prayer, you can approach God with power, grace, and confidence. James 5:16 reminds you that “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Prayer is meant to be answered.

God wouldn’t ask you to pray if He didn’t intend to respond. He’s not interested in wasting your time; He’s interested in results.

God’s Word is your “how-to” guide for answered prayer. First John 5:14-15 gives you this assurance: “Now this is the confidence that you have in Him, that if you ask anything according to His will, He hears you. And if you know that He hears you, whatever you ask, you know that you have the petitions that you have asked of Him.” What an incredible promise!

When you pray according to God’s will, which is revealed in His Word, you can be confident that He hears you and that you will receive what you’ve asked for.

God’s Word is His will. Whether you’re praying for provision, healing, deliverance, protection, peace, or wisdom, the Word of God is your foundation. Philippians 4:19 assures you that “my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

This means that whatever your need—be it physical, emotional, or spiritual—God’s Word has the supply.

Knowing God’s will gives you confidence in prayer. How do you know His will? By knowing His Word. When you find Scripture that speaks to your situation, you’re arming yourself with the very power of God.

The Holy Spirit is your guide in this process. John 14:26 tells you that the Holy Spirit will “teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that [Jesus] said to you.” Before you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right Scriptures. Praying with these Scriptures gives you the confidence that you’re praying effectively and that you will see results.

It’s important to remember that prayer originated from God’s heart. When God created mankind, He gave us an incredible responsibility: dominion over the earth. Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’” This dominion was not just a physical authority; it also defined the relationship God intended with us.

God’s mandate for you to have dominion over the earth was established in Genesis 1:26, but notice the words “let them.” These words are crucial because they set the boundaries for God’s legal right to intervene in the affairs of the earth.

Psalm 115:16 says, “The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; but the earth He has given to the children of men.” This means that while God is sovereign, He has chosen to partner with you through prayer to bring His will to pass on earth.

Why is this so important? Because of two foundational truths:

  1. God has placed His Word above even His name (Psalm 138:2).
  2. God will never violate or break His Word (Psalm 89:34).

When you pray according to God’s Word, you’re aligning yourself with His will, giving Him the legal right to intervene in your situation. “Let them” is not just a statement; it’s an invitation for you to step into the authority God has given you.

God wants to do great and unexpected acts in your life and in the world around you, but He’s waiting for your prayers to make room for Him to move.

As you enter into prayer, do so boldly, aligning your words with His Word to accomplish His will. The days ahead may be challenging, but you don’t have to be overwhelmed. Stay in faith. Remain focused on God’s promises.

Don’t get distracted by the noise of the world. Instead, speak forth His Word with confidence, knowing that when you pray, you are heard, and you will receive.

As you give this month, I’d love to send you Jerry’s powerful message, “Great & Unexpected Acts,” as my thank you to you. This message will inspire you to believe for the extraordinary as you partner with God in prayer.

To give securely online, simply go to, and we’ll send you an immediate MP3 download of this teaching. You can also give by calling toll-free at 866-576-4872, or by texting “GIVE” to 817-835-9625. If you prefer, you can use the enclosed reply letter and postage-paid envelope to give and request the message on CD or MP3.

Thank you for your continued support and for believing in this ministry. Your giving allows us to share the uncompromised Word of God around the world, teaching people how to become the winners God created them to be.

As Luke 6:38 reminds you, “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom.” Your generosity not only advances God’s kingdom, but it also brings a harvest of blessings back into your life.

We are speaking blessing and favor over you as God leads you into “Advancement and Progression.” Keep pressing into His Word, and you will see His hand move mightily in your life.

In His love and mine,
Carolyn Savelle

P.S. Remember, your prayers have power. As you stand on God’s Word and lift your needs to Him, trust that He is already working on your behalf. Don’t let the world’s noise drown out His promises. Stay anchored in His truth, and you will see His great and unexpected acts unfold in your life. I’m standing in faith with you, believing for extraordinary results!
