Partner Letter January 2015

lshookMonthly Partner Letter

Jerry SavelleWhen you give this month, I’d like to strengthen your faith for healing by sending you my recent message, Healing For the Whole ManClick here to give>

Happy New Year!

I declare over you – this is going to be your best year yet! You haven’t seen or even imagined all that God has planned for you, your family, your finances, your ministry, and your health (Ephesians 3:20)!

I’m extremely excited about what God has revealed to me to share with you today. We are walking into the greatest days this generation has ever seen and God doesn’t want you to be in the dark or left out.

You have a vital role in what God has planned for this year!

Over the last few days, I have had a fresh visitation from the Lord and He has shown me that we must get back to the basics and back to the original commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, and
that is: “…to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick” (Luke 9:2).

All throughout the Gospels we read of the powerful healing miracles Jesus performed. Multitudes of sick people were healed and made whole! Friends and family brought their sick loved-ones from miles away knowing that Jesus would make them whole!

All Christians would agree, Jesus healed people, but the truth is, Jesus still heals people! Not only that Jesus heals people especially by the laying on of hands by other believers.

In Acts 5:12 we are told of the early church, “And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people.” Notice there was not only preaching, but also “through the hands of the Apostles”, healings and miracles took place.

When the Lord visited me, He told me that He is restoring to the Church, today, what was seen in the early Church, and even greater. He also said we must first get back to our original mandate. If we only preach, then we’re not truly fulfilling what He wants us to do – the sick must also be healed! That’s the way it was in the Book of Acts and that’s the way it should be today.

The Holy Spirit stirred my heart and said, “Son, I have anointed your hands. Now get them back on people, and no longer settle for just preaching a good sermon.” I’m stirred today, and I hope to stir your spirit as well for healings and miracles!

Healing is a term that means deliverance, and should not be confined to just the physical.

Healing is for the total person. Nearly everybody in the world is “sick” in some way. Some in their bodies, others in their minds through being distressed, depressed, or fearful. And then, some are hurting spiritually because they’ve become discouraged, hurt, or wounded, and they can’t seem to overcome it.

In Chapter 5 of the Gospel of John, Jesus had come into Jerusalem and found His way to the Pool of Bethesda, which was by the market place. There He saw a great multitude of distressed, diseased, and afflicted people who had exhausted all other sources of help. They were at this particular pool because an ancient legend said that at the certain season each year an angel would come down and “stir up the waters” and then whoever stepped in first was healed of whatever disease he had.

Jesus walked among these people seeking someone who had faith and who would respond to the power of God. Jesus isstill looking for people today who have faith and will respond to the power of God! Will you be one? 

Jesus found a man who had been lying on his small pallet, afflicted with a crippling disease for thirty-eight years. looking at the man, Jesus said, “Do you want to be made well?”

The man misunderstood Jesus – he thought He was referring to his physical body only. He thought Jesus was talking about him getting into that pool. That’s why the man responded by saying, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me” (John 5:7)

Life had struck him a horrible blow and he had virtually given up – he no longer dreamed of having a normal life – he had withdrawn and had no self-worth.

If you are down on the inside, it’s very difficult to get up on the outside. Proverbs 18:14 says, “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity, but a wounded spirit who can bear?” And we are encouraged in Proverbs 17:22 that “A merry heart does good like a medicine…

When your spirit-man is down it will have a negative effect on your soul and your body as well! That’s why Jesus went directly to the root of the problem – the man was down in his spirit – he was hopeless, he was discouraged and he obviously had no joy.

Jesus immediately said to him: “Rise, take up your bed and walk” (John 5:8). Jesus wasn’t just talking to him about his physical condition. Jesus was speaking to his spirit, soul, and body! Jesus knew that before the man could rise up on the outside, he first had to rise up on the inside.

Jesus is here right now to be your man as well. If you’re down on the inside, then I say to you today, “RISE” in Jesus’ Name!

It’s time for you to be healed of every area of sickness afflicting your life. No longer do you have to live with less than what Jesus paid for on the Cross.

By the Spirit of God, I speak life, health, and blessing over you this new year. Stop preparing for failure, stop preparing for defeat. Begin to see yourself a winner – see yourself healed and whole!

I declare you whole in the name of Jesus – spirit, soul, and body! I may not be able to physically lay my hands on you, but I can lay them on your letter or email, and pray faith-filled prayers of victory over your life. Share with me where you need to be healed and made whole. The anointing is on me and this Ministry, to pray for you and your total healing!

If fact, when you give this month, I’d like to strengthen your faith for healing by sending you my recent message, Healing For the Whole Man. I know this message will build your expectation for the miraculous. As you hear real-life stories of God’s healing power, active in this ministry over the years.

Remember, when you give this month, as a thank you, I will send you my message, Healing For the Whole Man.

Thank you for believing in me and the call of God on this Ministry. I am so thankful that God has linked us together!

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

Jerry Savelle

 P.S. As we enter this New Year, I am praying for you! Would you also pray for me? Join your faith with mine that we will reach more people with God’s love and truth. Pray that more souls will come to know Christ, and that many more will be set free from Satan’s bondage. With your support, we will see more people touched by the love and power of God! Thank you!
