When you give this month, I want to send you a powerful, timely message I recently preached entitled Committed Faith. This teaching resource is free to you as my thank you for supporting this ministry! It is available as an MP3 download or on compact disc.
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You have a very important choice to make. One that will influence the outcome of your life!
Scripture gives us a vital key to possessing the type of faith that lasts. A faith that produces God-sized results in our lives.
The author of Hebrews 6:12 instructs believers to, “Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Here the Bible tells us what kind of people we are to follow or to imitate.
This is a key principle for living a victorious life:
Follow people who help develop committed faith in your life.
If you develop faith and patience, you will inherit all the promises of God.
The Bible also tells us the kind of people we’re not to follow: Psalm 78:8 warns, “And might not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright and whose spirit was not steadfast with God…” This was a warning to the current generation to not be like any previous generation who was not committed in their faith.
Isn’t it amazing that a large number of Christians today choose to follow the group that we’re told not to follow? A “steadfast spirit” is becoming more and more difficult to find in the day in which we live.
Apparently Paul saw this coming and wrote, “For the time will come when they will not endure…and they shall turn away…” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). He may very well have been talking about our day and age!
The people who do not continue in their faith, who give up too easily, will never receive all the blessings that Jesus paid for on the cross. Sure, they may experience salvation for their soul…but Jesus also paid for an ABUNDANT life!
This doesn’t have to be your story! You can choose a better way. You can outlast any hardship, overcome any obstacle, and conquer any challenge you face! As a believer, you have the Greater One living in you (1 John 4:4)! You are not a quitter and I’m not going to let you give up!
Listen to the Message Translation of Hebrews 6:12, “Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to them.”
I am so humbled that God has allowed me to be an example around the world of what committed faith looks like in our day and age. Not only that, my messages, books, audio series, and television outreach is all for the purpose of teaching people like you how to experience the same victorious life God has blessed me with!
I want to help you develop a committed faith! In other words, a faith that just refuses to give in, give up, or turn back! The Bible says that the person with this kind of faith receives everything promised to them! That is what I want for you.
“The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9 New Living Translation).
Committed people are those who are there for the long haul. They don’t look for excuses to draw back; in fact, when things get tough they get “tougher!” Their ability to “stick it out” is based upon their deeply held belief that God is on their side and no matter what they might go through, He will stand by them and He will bring them out.
Even though they face struggles and challenges just like everyone else, they stay focused. They are fully aware that success doesn’t come easy and that it’s not likely to happen overnight, but to them, “quit” is not an option!
When you already know that you will win,
it’s not hard to keep fighting!
Being committed is the relentless resolve to keep pursuing what God has called you to do and to give it everything you’ve got every day of your life. Paul said it like this in 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Stand firm, let nothing move you, always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord.” (New International Version)
The Bible is full of stories of people who lived this kind of committed faith. Noah stayed with God’s plan and built the ark over a period of decades before God’s promise to him was fulfilled. Joseph’s dream took years before becoming a reality. Caleb persevered 40 years before he received his mountain. In every case, God kept His word to them! He saw that they had committed faith!
God is still looking for people with committed faith today to show Himself strong in their life. Will He find you?
How would you like for the blessings to be multiplied in your life? Well, show God you possess committed faith! Proverbs 28:20 tells us, “A steadfast man has multiplied blessings.”
Committed faith is not something that is measured in days, weeks or months – we’re talking about years and decades – a lifetime!
I have been walking with God for over 46 years and I can testify that I have been enjoying “multiplied blessings” for a long time, and He’ll do the same for you if you’ll show Him that you have committed faith.
If this ministry has strengthened your faith, then please pray about sowing a financial faith seed this month. Your gift will help us continue speaking into your life and thousands of others around the world each month.
Also, when you give this month, I want to send you a powerful, timely message I recently preached entitled Committed Faith. This teaching resource is free to you as my thank you for supporting this ministry!
As I close this letter, let me encourage you to keep fighting the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12) because if you refuse to grow weary and give up, you will reap a harvest in due time (Galatians 6:9). God is faithful and He is working behind the scenes – your victory is on the way!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. I want you to know that I am praying for you the prayer that Jesus prayed over Peter recorded in Luke 22:32, “That your faith should not fail.” If there is a specific prayer request you have, please take a moment and share it with us, submit a prayer request. My staff and I believe in the power of faith-filled prayers!