With your best gift this month, I will send to you, as a thank you, a powerful message I preached about this time of refreshing we are in right now. It is available as an MP3 download or on compact disc. Click here to give>
The latest statistics tell us that the population of the world is right at 7 billion people. And of those 7 billion people, 1.6 billion live oppressed by governments or dictators who do not enjoy the most basic human rights.
That represents about 23% of the world’s population. But the percentage of people who are oppressed in other ways – mentally, emotionally, physically – is much higher than 23%. In fact, it’s well over the majority. And many of them are Christians.
As I travel the world ministering, I see many Christians living oppressed every day. It’s not God’s intent for His children to live lives bound by oppression!
I have a prophetic word for you today: Times of refreshing are here!
Acts 3:19 says, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come…” The thought is, the sooner people repent and are converted, the sooner God’s purposes can be fulfilled in their lives.
Repent does not just simply mean being sorry for sin. Repent literally means to change one’s direction. Many of God’s people today have been going down a wrong path. They do not hunger for God as they once did. They’ve become satisfied with just “playing church.”
Many of them attend church more out of religious obligation rather than out of love for God. Now is the time to stop going through the motions of Christianity and truly begin to seek God with a passionate heart.
No longer do you have to be tormented mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, or relationally. Revival among God’s people has been needed for quite some time and the good news is, it’s here! Anybody who desires to “get in it” can certainly do so.
We’re not waiting on God, He’s actually waiting on us. The glory is here! And you can get in it just as deep as you want to!
I declare to you today, the weary don’t have to remain weary any longer. The oppressed don’t have to remain oppressed anymore. Deliverance is here! The anointing that destroys every yoke is here!
Jesus is once again setting every captive free! That was His mission when He first came into the earth and that remains His mission today.
Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” What He did yesterday in setting the captives free, He wants to do for you today.
He’s the unchangeable Christ! His love hasn’t changed, His power hasn’t changed, and His longing to see every human being set free from satan’s control hasn’t changed!
He clearly stated in the Book of Luke, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed”(Luke 4:18).
I love how the Amplified Bible translates this, “…to announce release to the captives…to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed, who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity…”
Acts 10:38 tells us, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”
The next verse says, “…and we are witnesses of all things which he did.” They witnessed it, they testified to the fact that Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.
They were His witnesses then, and I’m a witness today. He is still going about doing good and healing all that are oppressed of the devil. He’s still proclaiming release to the captives. He’s still announcing release to those that are in bondage.
Oppression is not from God and it shouldn’t be in your life today.
If you want to be free from the oppression in your life, then you are going to have to get so fed up with it that you are willing to change direction (repent).
A lot of people that are oppressed today are not fed up with it yet. When you’re still having pity parties, you’re not fed up. When you’re still feeling sorry for yourself, you’re not really fed up. I know this sounds hard or cruel, but when satan is controlling your life, you don’t need pity. What you need is somebody to tell you the truth, because it’s the truth that will set you free.
There’s something that comes upon a person when they get fed up; it’s the anointing. That anointing carries authority with it. I’m telling you right now the devil knows when the anointing is on a person and he knows when they are operating in their God-given authority. He also knows if they resist him, he must flee! He has no choice.
“Brother Jerry, I got involved in pornography and it’s just so hard to break free from it.” I’m sure it is, but not impossible. There are too many other people that have been delivered from it for that to be your excuse.
“Brother Jerry, I just walk around depressed all the time.” That hurts my heart that you live that way, but you don’t have to. If there was no hope for freedom and deliverance, then Jesus failed in His mission. Calvary wasn’t enough. The Blood wasn’t enough. His death wasn’t enough.
If there’s no hope of the depressed person being delivered or the oppressed person being set free – the person who has been bound up and held captive all of their lives – if there is no hope of them ever living a victorious Christian life – then Calvary didn’t work. But let me tell you, Calvary did work! The Blood did work. His death did work. His resurrection did work.
The Lord told me over 40 years ago, “Don’t you ever again say out of your mouth, ‘I can’t take anymore.’ If you can’t take everything the devil dishes out, then Calvary didn’t work. You can take anything he can dish out and you can overcome it by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.”
When you get fed up and grow restless, there’s an anointing that will come on you and set you free.
We’re living right now in times of refreshing. It’s coming from the presence of the Lord. You can enter into it or you can be on the sidelines and just watch it happen to other people.
I’m not satisfied with watching it; I want to be right in the middle of it. In fact, I want to be part of the reason why it’s happening!
And you can be a part of making it happen also. Your faithful support of this ministry is changing people’s lives every day! Your financial gift is an investment in the Kingdom for the cause of Christ. You’re helping me take this message of freedom to masses of people around the world.
With your best gift this month, I will send to you, as a thank you, a powerful message I preached about this time of refreshing we are in right now. A time of refreshing is here for you today!
In closing, I challenge you to receive your freedom from all oppression right now. Dare to receive it by faith and let the devil know that your days of heaviness and oppression are over!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. Jesus not only wants you free from oppression but He also wants you to get your joy back and to be full of joy for the rest of your life. Psalm 30:5 tells us, “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Oppression can be broken no matter how serious and no matter how long you have suffered with it. Don’t ever forget that Jesus “…went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.”