Partner Letter November 2015

lshookMonthly Partner Letter

Jerry SavelleWhen you give, be sure to request this month’s teaching resource, Get Ready, God Is About To Turn the Tide. I know this faith-filled message will bless you!
Click here to give>


How do you respond to adversity? Do you complain? Find someone to blame? Get depressed and feel bad about yourself?

Whatever hardship or challenge you are facing, it cannot stand against the power and purpose of God in your life. But how you respond to times of trouble has everything to do with receiving the victory God has for you!

Many years ago, the Holy Spirit taught me a principle that not only blessed me and produced many victories in my life, but has also brought victories in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.

Today I want to share with you some new revelation the Lord has given me concerning this time-tested, spiritual principle!

Years ago I wrote a book titled, If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy, He Can’t Keep Your Goods. It’s been reprinted numerous times, into many languages, and is still after all these years one of our bestselling books. I have applied this principle all these years and it’s still working for me and has produced more victories than you could ever imagine!

However, recently, God has given me some fresh revelation regarding this and I sensed the leading of the Holy Ghost to share it with you – my faithful partner!

The author of Hebrews describes the proper response we should have to adversity writing, “You endured a great struggle with sufferings…and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods.” (Hebrews 10:32-36)

I love how the MESSAGE Translation pulls out this truth saying, “Nothing they did bothered you, nothing set you back. So don’t throw it all away now. You were sure of yourselves then. It’s still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion.”


Always remember that for every negative thing that happens in your life, God has something positive waiting to manifest! But in order for it to happen, you must not let go of your joy nor your confidence in God’s ability to bring it to pass.

Never allow the devil to think that what he’s doing bothers you in the least. Just keep smiling and let him know, as the Apostle Paul did, that “None of these things move you.” (Acts 20:24).

Don’t ever let the devil steal your joy!

The Lord spoke to my spirit and I’m writing to tell you, Get Ready – God Is About To Turn The Tide! And the key that will activate this in your life, is you giving voice to your joy!

The atmosphere in your home should be charged with the sound of our rejoicing! Psalms 118:15 says, “The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous.”

The MESSAGE translation says, “Hear the shouts, hear the triumph songs in the camp of the saved? The hand of God has turned the tide, the hand of God is raised in Victory.” Do you need the “tide to be turned” in your life today? Then never let go of your joy, never let go of your rejoicing, and never let go of your victory shout!

Anybody can shout after the enemy is subdued, but real Bible-faith does it before! Psalms 47:1 instructs us to, “Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!” And as a result of our rejoicing, verse 3 says, “He shall…!”

Notice that our shouting with the voice of triumph precedes God subduing our enemy! Doing your shouting before your circumstances change, moves God. It shows Him that you really do trust Him, and that you are fully persuaded He is greater than your enemy and that He will subdue him just as He has promised!

So what are you waiting for – GO AHEAD AND SHOUT!

I want to encourage you to let the devil know on a daily basis that no matter what he does, it will never stop you from rejoicing. Practice what Paul instructed us to do in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.”

When do we rejoice? When everything is going well? No! We rejoice always!

When you give voice to joy first, God will turn the negative things that are happening in your life into something positive.

Don’t wait for your circumstances to turn and then rejoice. That’s just not the Bible-way of doing things. Rejoice now and refuse to quit until the victory comes… then rejoice some more for the victory!

I realize now more than ever that every test can be turned into testimony if we respond with the right attitude.

My challenge to you today is this: Dare to believe that as you continue to give voice to joy, that God is getting ready to turn the tide, that God is about to restore everything that Satan has stolen, and that God is about to make the devil wish he had never attacked you!

One of the greatest ways to demonstrate your joy and trust in God is through giving! Also, through financially supporting this ministry, you become a partaker of the same grace that is on my life (Philippians 1:7).

Would you prayerfully consider giving your best gift to help us finish this year strong over the next two months? God has positioned this ministry to speak into the hearts of people around the world. Your generosity enables us to take the Good News – the message of hope through Jesus Christ – to thousands of people each week and share the love of God with them.

When you give, people’s lives are changed by the power of God.

When you give, be sure to request this month’s teaching resource, Get Ready, God Is About To Turn the Tide. I know this faith-filled message will bless you!

Thank you for believing in the call of God on my life and helping me teach people the uncompromised Word of God. I love you and pray for your victory as you rejoice in the Lord!

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

Jerry Savelle

 P.S. I know that choosing to rejoice when facing adversity is not easy. But we have a promise! We are told in Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” Well this is your wake up call! Give voice to your joy because God is about to turn the tide!
